RPG Dice Roller #Pico1k
This is a simple dice roller made for the PICO-1K Jam. You can roll D4's, D6's, D8's, D10's, D12's and D20's and the program will keep track of your total. To reset your total and keep rolling press Enter and then select "RESET TOTAL".
Z - Select a die to roll
Arrow Keys - Navigate which dice to select
Enter - Open the pause menu
Chars used:
999 Chars
p=print h=rectfill v=add z=btnp sx=10sy=24r=1a=-9 function p_r(t) l=0y=15 for i=1,#t do ?t[i].." out of "..m[i],70,y,e[i] a=y l+=t[i] y+=6end ?"total: "..l,0,110,7 end function _init() t={}m={}e={} menuitem(1,"reset total",function()t={}m={}e={}a=-9end) end function _update() n=0tt=false q=4w=8 if(#t<16)then if(z(0)and sx>15)sx-=25r-=1 if(z(1)and sx<20)sx+=25r+=1 if(z(2)and sy>24)sy-=25r-=2 if(z(3)and sy<50)sy+=25r+=2 if(z(4))then ?"\ace" for i=1,6do if(r==i)n=flr(rnd(q))+1v(t,n)v(m,q)v(e,w) q+=2w+=1 if(q>12)q=20w=14 end end else tt=true end end function _draw() cls(1) h(64,14,127,109,2) p("rpg dice roller",1,7,7) h(0,14,63,109,3) p("",0,0,2) ?"\*8▤\*8▤",0,0,2 ?"\*8▤\*8▤",0,122,2 yy=25 for i=1,6do xx=11 if(i%2==0)xx=36 if(i==3or i==5)yy+=25 h(xx,yy,xx+14,yy+14,6) h(xx,yy,xx+13,yy+13,7) end p("d4",15,29,8)p("d6",40,29,9)p("d8",15,54,10)p("d10",37,54,11)p("d12",12,79,12)p("d20",37,79,14) h(69,a,117,a+4,4) rect(sx,sy,sx+15,sy+15,2) p_r(t) if(tt==true) p("reset total from the menu",7) end
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This is really neat & well put together 🤓👍
Alas, I don't do RPG/Tabletop myself, but I can see this being really useful.
P.S. Congrats on making #Pico1K's first Tool! 🥳
Thank you! I had a great time making it, PICO-8 is a ton of fun.